Friday, June 1, 2012

Time Management

Calendar by kyu3

Do you ever feel like there is not enough time in the day? Do you leave things until the last minute because you are disorganized? Mismanagement of time is a common problem that can cause a great deal of undue stress. There have been many times that I have started the week feeling overwhelmed and questioned how I would be able to get everything done. I would start by going over my proverbial 'to do' list and concluded that there was no way I could fit all my responsibilties in. Where to begin?

My Time Management Plan...

Attribute photo to Open Cage: CITIZEN PRO-MASTER PMD56-2772
Step 1)Write out a list of the tasks that you need to accomplish throughout the week. A daytimer or calender are helpful tools in overveiwing and organizing your time. Start with the required responsibilites like sleeping, eating, school, and work.

Step 2) Once you have plotted out the alotted amount of time needed for your required responsibilites it is time to write a list. Write down and prioritize all of the other tasks, duties, and chores you wish to accomplish during the week. Gauge how much time each task might take.

Step 3) Based on the time sensitivity of the task and level of importance add it into your partially mapped out calendar wherever there is room. Try to leave time for one fun social activity and a small amount of physical fitness each day.

Step 4) If you are preveiwing your  plan and feel overwhelmed, reasses the time sensitivity of your more flexible tasks and see if they can be carried over into the next week.

This plan has helped me to relieve stress, become more organized, give my full attention to tasks, be in charge of my time instead of a victim to it, and it helps me to find time for myself.

To help pinpoint areas to focus on in accordance to time management, Mind Tools offers a helpful time management quiz:

Time Management Quiz

After completing the test, my score pinpointed areas that I could focus on to improve time management skills:
1.The Golden Rules of Goal Setting
2. Personal Goal Setting
3. Beating Procrastination
4. Pickle Jar Theory
5. Scheduling Skills

1 comment:

  1. This is totally me! As soon as I saw the title of your blog, I was immediately compelled to read this because time management has been a really big issue for me starting this spring semester! I know I was disorganized before but this semester has topped it off. I think it is because after two long Fall and Winter semesters, it is really hard to keep focus, and also seeing the empty school really brings me down! I did try doing the list idea that you mentioned in both the previous semesters and now after realizing that it is finally time to get my act straight, I am going to try it for this semester too. I know it works great and I actually get all my tasks done on time! Great blog and thanks for reminding me about the list idea!
