Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Vision for the Future
Goal setting is a positive and practical way to focus your ideas and hopes for the future. It can help create a drive to accomplish the things you want in life. I am a big advocate of goal setting. Taking the time to sit down and figure out what‘s important in your life and determining the things that you want is a helpful habit to get into.

Whether it’s writing a list of short term and long term goals or reading a book on obtaining the things you want in life, the action taken to contribute to your life’s progression will be beneficial. I know that I can think about doing, wanting, and accomplishing many things, but realistically if I don’t take the time to sort out the attainable from the unattainable and figure out a plan of action I won’t get where I want to go.

I have a friend who believes in the law of attraction. She believes that anything that she mentally gives attention to, whether positive or negative, will come into her life. The idea stems from the book 'The Secret'.I am not sure if I believe in the law of attraction, but my friend did give me an idea for setting goals which is connected to this law. The project she told me about is called a vision board.

A vision board is a visual compilation of all the things you want to do, have and be in your life. You start off with a cork board, pinning up pictures that represent where you see yourself in a set amount of time. The pictures can represent a future job, living situation, your personal wellbeing, or relationship status. These are just a few examples. The board is a visual pathway to your desired state. The idea is that by seeing and thinking about your goals you are unintentionally focusing on how to reach them.

A year ago I made a vision board. I put up images of all the things that I wanted to achieve in a year. At the time I wasn’t sure if it was possible, but I thought I would give it a shot. Today I have achieved all of the goals I put on that board. I don’t know if it was the law of attraction at work, but I do believe that by owning my goals and focusing on the things I want for my life I was able to muster up the drive to go and achieve them.   

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